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Italian born and raised, I had the chance to satisfy my strong maternal instincts and "love for cuddles", through my beautiful profession.

After years of education in New York (USA), specializing in "Early Childhood Development", further "Nursing qualifications" obtained in London (UK), and with over 20 years of international experience under my sleeves I can proudly say that I've been able to develop some of the most effective and easily applicable sleep training techniques that have been helping parents all over the world!

My approach is very simple: FOCUS ON SETTING UP THE RIGHT HABITS FROM THE VERY EARLY STAGES OF YOUR BABY LIFE, so that you won't struggle as most parents do correcting bad habits later on.

You can't build a strong house on sand, it's all about foundations...
You'll be amazed at how much you can achieve by simply avoiding some of the most common mistakes that keep most parents up all night!
This won't be easier only for you, but for your baby as well.
I've lost count of how many times I see families repeating the exact same mistakes over and over consumed by a sense of helplessness and guilt, when their lives could be so much easier by simply implementing the right associations from the very beginning.
So let me help you make the most of parenthood and truly enjoy the arrival of your little one, saving you from unnecessary frustration that it's so easily avoidable with the right guidance.

If you keep following your "mother-in-law" or "aunty" outdated advice that where in trend 30-40 years ago, then of course you can say goodbye to your sleep.

But if you are willing to embrace the latest proven techniques designed to help you truly enjoy motherhood the way you are supposed to, with an open mind, then say no more, and let's start this beautiful journey together...
I had the chance to work for many A-list Celebrities and High-Profile clients from all over the world as well as helping the most lovely local families here in London, and my process has been successfully working for all of them, no matter the nationality, cultural background or lifestyle.


If you are looking for an effective method to successfully help you sleep train your baby, you've ended up in the right place. Feel free to contact me for the chance to create a customized plan around your specific needs.



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...I've found my true calling early on in life and have the privilege to be one of those few people who truly loves her job...

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