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The Boodle family


We hired Lara for an emergency last-minute booking of 2 weeks, and she was the best thing that could have ever happened to me and my son! After days of frustration trying to put him into a routine with zero results, she was exactly what I needed. She instilled confidence in me in a matter of hours, helping me get my baby into an effective and healthy routine from day one.

I felt so lucky to find someone who I trusted straight away and with whom I've exchanged many laughs.

Lara was an absolute joy to have around with her extensive knowledge, polite manners, and bubbly personality. I honestly don't think I could have done it without her!

Above all, her good humor, endless advice, and wonderful forward planning, (as she is always one step ahead of the game), made it the most enjoyable two weeks ever since my delivery.

Everyone who has the opportunity to hire her service can agree with me that she is an utter joy to have in your home. I was so sad to see her go and if she wasn't booked up I would have kept her much longer.

I am pleased to say my son is now sleeping through the night at 9 weeks and this is all thanks to Lara.

If you are looking for a sleep trainer then she is the best on the market!


The Hogan family

Lara worked with us and our son for 2 weeks in March - April 2021.

She is extremely knowledgeable, professional, excellent with babies, and a pleasure to share our home with and we felt extremely comfortable around her for the whole time.

She was really excellent with our son and developed an immediate and obvious rapport with him.

Her methods helped him to be a much happier baby, who now sleeps very well, and helped us to become more confident parents.

We are very grateful for Lara’s help and would highly recommend her to our friends and plan on engaging Lara again should we have another child in the future.


The Olukoya family

I was finally ready to step out of the newborn bubble and needed to get my daughter into some sort of routine. She was eating and sleeping in very irregular intervals, especially at night, and constantly needed to be rocked or held in order to sleep, leaving a very tired mom. I hired Lara when my baby was about 10 weeks old and in only 5 days, my daughter slept through the night for the very first time!!

I also had the chance to meet one of Lara’s ex-client, (Caroline Grainer), which live not too far from my area and stopped by for a coffee. It amazed me to see the beautiful relationship Lara still has with some of her previous clients, and it sure speaks volumes about her character.

The most shocking fact was to discover that Caroline is an ongoing good friend of my uncle, who back in the day was telling me about a great sleep trainer he met through a friend.
Little did I know he was talking about Lara and I ended up hiring her anyway, not realizing she was the exact same person my uncle was talking about months ago!

It was a complete full circle kind of moment and it made me believe even deeper that Lara was meant to be part of our family sooner or later. I am now able to enjoy my baby but still have time to myself. I cannot recommend her enough!


Megan Protheroe

We hired Lara as we were really struggling with our little son who has reflux. Lara really quickly helped us to implement a routine and turned things around straight away. Gwilym (our son - who was 6 weeks when Lara came) went from crying most of the day to being such a happy and settled little baby and after only two weeks since Lara arrived he was sleeping for a much longer stretch cutting a night feed, (and will soon be sleeping through the night). Lara is really honest and straightforward which I think is very important when implementing a routine with first-time parents. She also has a lovely nature with children - Gwilym loved her and was always very relaxed in her arms. My husband and I trusted her straight away and really miss having her around! I told Lara when she left us that she truly changed my experience of motherhood and I’m just so so grateful to her for all the progress we have made in such a short time.


The Mitchell family


I hired Lara to help me look after my secondborn baby girl Celine for a full booking of 3 months.

As a mother who knew that she would return to full-time work, my priority was not only to find someone who would nurture our little girl, but who we as a family could trust implicitly. 

Lara's expertise and love for newborns was evident from the first moment that she held Celine.

But her strength of character, careful consideration, training, and experience were fully displayed when we had an emergency health situation with our baby, (Celine was only 7 weeks old).

Lara has been extremely reliable, supportive, calm, and well-organised during our time at the hospital and her comforting presence was invaluable to me and my husband.

She is extremely trustworthy, and her experience with babies gave me the freedom and confidence to spend time with our older daughter in the early weeks and to return to work after only 3 months without ever having a single concern for the health and safety of our baby which has been sleeping through the night ever since she was 10 weeks old.

My husband who always has high expectations, felt that Lara did an exceptionally good job.

We are a Lebanese family and came to London to deliver my secondborn baby girl Thea.

We were urgently looking to find professional help as I was already struggling to manage my 2 years oldest daughter while breastfeeding on demand and trying to recover from surgery at the same time. We initially hired Lara for an emergency booking of 2 weeks only but quickly noticed the benefits of having experienced guidance under our roof and extended her service for a longer time before losing her availability.

We were absolutely impressed with her professionalism extended knowledge and life-changing techniques that made my days so much easier straight away.

My whole family got really attached to her due to her genuine and bubbly personality full of Italian humour!

Thea was only 4 days old when Lara started working for us and we couldn't believe how quickly she was able to get her into a perfectly balanced and healthy routine improving my baby's feeding-sleeping cycle straight away!!

My baby recovered her birth weight in a record time, the health visitor was impressed as well during our first routine check and this is all thanks to Lara. We've been recommending her to all our friends!


The Fares family

The Diab family


I am Lebanese, living in Geneva, Switzerland, and Lara has been strongly recommended to me by a dear friend of mine who previously hired her. I was literally desperate to put my baby into a routine but nothing was working and I was just getting more exhausted by the day! After hearing all the praises that my friend Leila Fares kept telling me about Lara, I decided to fly to London for the chance to experience her magic firsthand.

I was so thrilled when I called her to know that she was able to book me in for a week, as this was a last-minute arrangement and I know she is always super requested!

A few days later I was in London with my Mom, my sister, and my 4-month-old baby.

Lara is a very straightforward person but she can deliver results like no others!

She told me straight away that in order to achieve maximal progress in such a short time I had to interfere as little as possible with her method. So I just trusted the process and went shopping around town with my family while letting her sleeptrain my baby back at the hotel. My son was sleeping through the night after only 24 hours of following her routine...I couldn't believe it! I have previously hired two other sleep trainers but neither one of them was able to deliver such great results as Lara did in a matter of days!

This was by far the best investment I've ever made as Lara is truly a miracle worker!

Emma James 

We hired Lara under a friend's recommendation, as she was able to successfully sleep-train her baby which now sleeps a solid 12 hours per night.

I am a doctor and my husband is a very busy businessman. Having our baby into a routine was absolutely necessary for us as we both are full-time working parents. When we heard, (and saw), the outstanding results our friend, (and single Mom) Carolin has achieved with her daughter after hiring Lara, we didn't waste any time and booked her service during the first trimester of my pregnancy. 

Lara has worked for us ever since we left the hospital for a total booking of 12 weeks and my baby has been sleeping through the night ever since. We couldn't be happier as this has created a solid foundation for our baby to healthily develop and made our hectic schedule so much easier to manage, with the reassurance of always having a good night of rest.

My baby is very calm, smiley, and sociable most of the time. She rarely cries or complains and we also don't feel overly tired or on edge as most parents feel when sleep-deprived. As a doctor myself, I know this is mostly thanks to following a great routine that Lara has set up while working for us.


The Law family


Lara came recommended to us by two different couple of friends who previously hired her to help with their newborn babies. During this time, Lara worked with us to set a routine and sleep schedule for our daughter. Lara helped with fundamentals like sleep routine, efficient feeding and burping, swaddling, tummy time / physical development, and mental stimulation/baby sensory. She also provided great tips on traveling with the baby, taking her out, changes to routine, hosting guests, and seeing friends.

Lara has a strong sense of dedication and responsibility in her work caring for babies and is passionate about her work. She provided support to both mother and baby throughout her time with us, and her knowledge in maternity child care is evident from the many years she has worked in this field. She has a direct and straightforward approach that made our transition to new parents easier and smoother.

Our daughter was able to transition from waking up multiple times a night to once a night in just a couple of weeks. Moreover, her development over the past two weeks with Lara’s support was evident in her alertness, strength, and overall development. We strongly recommend her service to any newborn parents who are interested in setting a healthy routine for their baby.

Lara worked for our family for a month total, during which she helped us understand the massive benefits of having a routine in place for our son.

As new parents, we weren't familiar with this concept, but now that we had the chance to test it firsthand, we feel extremely lucky to have been introduced to such an effective approach.

Our son has been sleeping through the night ever since he was only 12 weeks old making our parenthood journey enjoyable and hassle-free. My husband and I are both much more experienced parents now and we notice even more now the outstanding results we've achieved by following Lara's Sleep training method, especially when compared with most of our friends who unfortunately still struggle with a nonsleeping toddler. 

We've been recommending Lara's method to as many friends as possible ever since as we know the amazing benefits that a good routine can bring into anyone's life.



The White family



We hired Lara under a friend's recommendation. She came into our lives after nine exhausting weeks of very little sleep and what felt like a constant feeding cycle. Lara came to our rescue!

From the moment she walked into our home she instilled a schedule for us to follow which has positively transformed our everyday routine. Our daughter is now feeding more efficiently and best of all she sleeps through the night!! We cannot believe the progress she has made in such a short time. We have learned an incredible amount from Lara over the past two weeks, everything from how to bathe her properly and how to burp effectively.

It has given us so much more confidence going forward, and most importantly our daughter totally adored her, which it's very reassuring for any inexperienced parent. 

Hiring Lara was the best decision we could have made for both us and our daughter!

The Collins family


The Wyatt family

We hired Lara to help us with our newborn twin girls as we were struggling to adjust to our new reality. We felt comfortable around her straight away as she was extremely knowledgeable yet very personable. Lara clearly has a genuine love for children and is very passionate about her job. 

Her extended experience with newborns was undoubtedly obvious from the very first hour we spent together and I was extremely impressed with the many effective techniques and advice she taught us.

As a mother of twins finding someone who could help me establish an efficient routine was imperative to me as my husband is a busy business man and I would be left most of the time alone managing my little girls.

Lara was able to meet and exceed my expectations as she truly delivered impressive results in a matter of weeks, having my little girls sleeping through the whole night now. 

I am so thankful for all that I've learned during my time with her and my confidence as a mother is much stronger now. Lara is very honest, direct, and trustworthy. I would like to have kept Lara on for longer as we are very fond of her and strongly recommend her service.

The Osborne family


We initially hired Lara for a couple of weeks only to test out her approach as we heard so much positive feedbacks about it. I realized how valuable and effective her method was just after spending 1 day with her, and requested an extension of her service straight away, as I knew she was highly requested and didn't want to miss out on her availability.

We meticulously followed her guidance for a total of 6 weeks and ended up having our baby sleeping through the night ever since he was 11 weeks old.

Besides reaching peaceful nights, we've noticed a massive improvement in our son's mood, feeding habits, engagement during playtime, and overall health, as he is an extremely calm and content baby, rarely crying and smiling most of the time. 

We are very thankful for all we've learned as we feel much more confident now in looking after our son.

Carolin Greiner


Lara worked for me for 3.5 months in total.

During this time we've been travelling together to the Hamptons (NY), where Lara helped me set up and baby-proof my summer house, and to Germany, where I've baptised my baby.

I cannot quantify the amount of knowledge I've learned while travelling with her.

Lara is a phenomenal Maternity Nurse/Sleep trainer, who backs up her practical experience with education, medical knowledge, consistent recommendation of the best products in the market and a lot of Italian humour!!.. Her initial “baby product list” with Amazon links was simply brilliant and made my life so much easier! My baby has slept through the night since week 10 and is a happy and smiley 90% of the time! I am a single mother and I’ve been travelling alone with my baby,(and my dog), to the USA a few times last year. This wouldn’t been possible if I didn’t have all the knowledge and confidence that Lara gave me during her service with me.

She is a never-ending source of knowledge or as I like to call her "a walking encyclopaedia", I cannot recommend her enough!

The Jasper family


We've found Lara through an agency as a last-minute cover-up since the original person we hired to help us with our newborn was indisposed for a few days and not able to provide service at the pre-agreed starting date.

Little did we know, we ended up loving Lara and her method so much that we've decided to cancel our commitment with the first Maternity Nurse, (losing our deposit), and book Lara full-time for the whole first trimester of our baby's life.

It has been one of the best investments we've ever made!

Lara has been guiding us throughout this new chapter of our lives, sharing her impressive knowledge and expertise while building up our confidence as new parents.

She accompanied us on a business trip to Hong Kong and we were beyond impressed by her outstanding organizational skills, high standard of hygiene, and tidiness making such a long journey with a newborn enjoyable and hassle-free.

I’ve learned so much during our time with her, we were lucky to have found her and we would definitely hire her again for baby number two!

The Chapman family

We found Lara through an agency as we were looking for a professional Maternity Nurse to help us transition into this new stage of our lives. Our son was only a couple of weeks old when Lara started working for us and at that time my baby's feeding/sleeping schedule was very messy and all over the place.

I was struggling to find a good balance for myself as well, feeling tired most of the time as I was mostly breastfeeding on demand.

As young parents, we didn't know much about what's the best approach to take in regards to our baby's care and development, so this whole experience has been a learning curve.

We are aware that we've stumbled upon Lara's excellent Sleep training method by chance as we weren't acquainted with such a technique. She introduced us to the whole concept of routine and proper development and our son has been peacefully sleeping through the night ever since!

We've been recommending Lara to all our friends, and 4 of them have been hiring her as well achieving the same amazing results.

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